Balancing Parenthood and the PE Exam

There is nothing quite like finding out that you are becoming a parent to light a fire under anyone with significant goals.  Many of the engineers I’ve had the privilege of supporting in the last few years became highly motivated to pass the PE exam prior to the arrival of a new baby.  This is undoubtedly a wise approach as the addition of a new person in your life brings about a reorganization of priorities, and rightfully so.  As a recent father myself, I have a newfound appreciation for how challenging studying can be with a little one in the house.  Some days it is hard to get around to washing the dishes, much less carve out blocks of time for deep critical thinking.

Pursuing a major goal like studying for the PE exam can be daunting, especially for new parents. With so many responsibilities on your plate, it’s essential to recognize that the exam may not always be the top priority. However, with the right strategies, you can effectively balance your family life and exam preparation.

1. Recognize Your Priorities

As a new parent, it’s crucial to acknowledge that your family comes first. Embrace the fact that you may need to adjust your study expectations based on your current situation. This mindset will help alleviate stress and guilt, allowing you to focus on both your children and your studies more effectively.

2. Create a Family Study Schedule

Establishing a family schedule can significantly enhance your study efforts. Identify specific times to study when distractions are minimal—early mornings, during work hours, or after your kids have gone to bed. Protect these windows of time fiercely, and try not to study when your children are likely to interrupt.

3. Plan for Family Priorities

Incorporate important family events—birthdays, holidays, school functions—into your study plan. By setting aside these dates in advance, you can ensure that they don’t compete for your precious study time. This proactive approach will help you stay focused and committed to your exam preparation without feeling like you’re sacrificing family moments.

4. Build a Supportive Team

Remember, you’re not in this alone. Involve your spouse, children, and other key people in your support network. Make it a team effort by communicating openly about your study goals and progress. When everyone is on board, you’ll feel less guilty about taking time away from your kids, and the shared commitment can motivate you to stay focused.

5. Start Early and Allow for Contingency

Begin your study journey early, allowing for unexpected interruptions and life events. Flexibility is key—if you need to skip a study session, don’t stress. Instead, seize opportunities to study whenever you can, whether that’s during nap times or while waiting for an appointment.

6. Prioritize Self-Care

Don’t forget to balance your study time with self-care. Prioritize sleep, exercise, and downtime. Taking care of yourself will help manage fatigue during the 4-6 month study process, ensuring you stay energized and focused.

7. Use a Structured Study Plan

To navigate the chaos of family life, adopt a study plan that linearizes and organizes your materials. This approach will make it easier to stay on track and reduce the stress of juggling various resources. Having a clear roadmap will empower you to study efficiently and effectively.


Pursuing the PE exam as a new parent is undoubtedly challenging, but with careful planning and support, you can achieve your goals. Remember to prioritize your family, create a structured schedule, and remain flexible throughout the process. By incorporating self-care and fostering open communication with your loved ones, you’ll set yourself up for success—not just in your studies, but in your role as a parent as well. You’ve got this!

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